
What Would Google Do? by Jeff Jarvis

Okay, this is one of my new heroes because he authored a brilliant book...

...more ideas at Buzzmachine.com

Teach, market, and work the "Google" way for the next several years with some contemporary concepts!
Warning: some of the innovative and down-to-earth ideas might make some people cringe, perhaps because they are such a true depiction of how people learn nowadays.
This book is an "easy read," and the first half contains very keen insights about how to improve profits (across industries) today through Google.
After reading about the future of sales, I considered how experiential marketing, brand awareness, and advertising is becoming a more essential part of the Google world. I mean, how would anyone know what to type in the search box without marketing?

Oh, while you're at it, have a look at the Popular Search terms box on the top left of my blog. Pretty nifty, eh?
The latter chapters have some proposed models for the way the world might work in the future, and I noted how formal training, education, and continuing education is already changing into a more self-taught "Google" paradigm. Today, education is still a hot commodity - I think it can be kept "hot" with some of the following ideas, for starters:
  • integrating WWGD? advice for both learners and instructors
    (like requiring less rote memorization per se)
  • motivating institutions to establish creative marketing partnerships,
    especially with respect to helping companies to develop their staff effectively;
    Continuing Education, anyone?
  • flexing the requirements for instructors when it comes to
    tenure, research, and field experience
Go ahead! Type some brilliant words into the Google box, and you get millions of results for products to buy, topics to learn, and incredible new experiences.

Oh boy, I wonder if the library needs my copy back yet?

thanks from ifranks


Major software applications that you need to get your work done are already, or soon will be, in the online cloud; all you will need is the right URL, username, and password to "get to work."

social networking

People are getting their work done in offices, at homes, and en route because laptop computers, fully-featured mobile phones with browsers, and public computer kiosks are ubiquitous.

We can "work anywhere" with the right URL, username, and password.
Thus our URLs, usually kept as favourites or bookmarks in our favourite (favorite) internet browser, become the first stepping stone to reach our "work anywhere" office.

bookmark bookmarks

Challenging to add new bookmarks with mobile phone browsers because the functionality of "Submit" buttons need to be simplified.

Well developed bookmarks that can be made public for social networking (i.e. how many other people using Delicious have bookmarked the same URL that I added).
Mobile phone browsers can log-in and use existing bookmarks.
Owned by Yahoo.

As of this writing, still very Beta with low search ability.

Good import ability.

Challenging to add new bookmarks with mobile phone browsers because the functionality of "Submit" buttons need to be simplified.
Challenging exportability because Tag details are lost.
Delayed updates to large quantities of bookmarks due to reindexing.

Well developed bookmarks that can be made public for social networking (i.e. what are other people using Diigo saying about the same URL that I added).
Mobile phone browsers can log-in and use existing bookmarks.
Previous views of websites are stored in cache, which is useful for defunct pages.
Based in Australia, and new owners of Furl.

favorite favorites

Rushed development, but it works
(e.g. the Google Cart logo appears in older versions of Internet Explorer,
the Add and other functions appear at the bottom, after scrolling through your entire list of Labels).
Bookmarks are private, without social quantifiers nor caching.

Good search ability (of course).
Can add new links with mobile phone browsers because of simplified "Submit" button.
Good exportability.

Move your bookmarks and favorites out of your current browsers (i.e. home computer, work computer, and mobile phone) and import them into an all-in-one online bookmarking tool.
This will merge your collection of URLs, centralize access to them, and help you to truly "work from anywhere."

thanks from ifranks

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