
The book is dead — long live the ebook

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Source: Calgary Herald

Suze Orman Recognizes!

April 30, 2011

Suze Orman Recommends!

March 2011 -- Reknowned personal finance guru Suze Orman recognizes as a go-to source for dividend stock recommendations in her new book, The Money Class. Suze says:

One of the sources I use to pick good quality dividend stocks for my own portfolio is the newsletter published by Founder Paul Rubillo writes a newsletter that is full of great information and is easy to understand. Not only does Paul offer tips on what to buy, but he also shares his insights on when a stock should be sold as well.

-- Suze Orman, The Money Class, pg. 274

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Better coding and programming...

Cool Tools update


Posted: 27 Apr 2011 08:36 AM PDT

Whether I am writing email, creating a web page, or authoring a magazine article, I am communicating with others. I communicate best by practicing and by focusing on the content. I needed a powerful authoring tool that I could learn once and take with me everywhere I go, so I learned Vim.

Vim is a programmer's text editor, mostly used by computer geeks. This geeky secret weapon was born many years ago. Vim's interface clones that of a spartan text editor from the 70s called "Vi" (Vim = Vi IMproved). Lately, more and more traditional authors are giving Vim a try.

Vim is much harder to learn than a Web browser or email program. It takes practice. Folks that have practiced Vim for a while become fluent, and are able to effectively edit text at a pace which baffles onlookers.

I've used the Vim text editor for over 10 years. Having been a long time WordPerfect user back in the DOS days, I was open to the idea that a powerful text-only editor was the best way to author content. Buttons, popups, and updates just distract me.


Vim does not do WYSIWYG (graphics, formatting) editing, like Word or LibreOffice, and it doesn't replace tools that do. Vim just does text. But it does text very well. Sure, Notepad does text too, but only just. Notepad is your butter knife, Vim is your Swiss Army Multi-Tool. If you find that most of what you are typing is actually plain text, Vim might be right for you!

Vim is free to download. The best place to start is the built-in tutorial "vimtutor". It will teach you the basics of navigating and editing text with Vim. Be ready to memorize a few short keyboard commands, because using Vim is generally easier without using a mouse! When you need help, ask the myriad enthusiasts in the vim live chatroom and mailing list.

Vim is "charityware": the author encourages Vim users to donate to needy children in Uganda. Noone will sell you Vim, and there are no Vim advertisements. If someone says you should try it, it's probably because they found it useful.

I highly recommend you start writing your first ebook in Vim today!

-- Adam Monsen

Vim Text Editor

Available from Vim

Google launches eBooks in direct challenge to Amazon

Source: Herald, eh?


Mini portfolio...

Cool Tools update

Levenger Pocket Briefcase

Posted: 26 Apr 2011 08:58 AM PDT

From day planners to PDAs to smartphones to the hipster PDA, I've tried many different systems for organizing my life. It has taken a couple of decades, but smartphones are finally to the point where they can do almost everything I want.

However with phones, data entry is slow and strict, and retrieval can sometimes be a pain. For the past several years now I have been using the Pocket Briefcase, and it's the perfect complement to my phone and computer. The skinny is that it's a wallet with a writing surface for a 3x5 card, and a slot for a pencil or pen. Simple as that.

Bomber Jacket International Pocket Briefcase - Leather Notepad, Wallet.jpeg

Now, when I want to jot down an idea (including an illustration or sketch), an appointment, or some detail (e.g., a phone number), all I have to do is open my wallet. Start-up time is nil, it never runs out of battery, input is loose, and I can can pass cards to others.

At the end of the day I go over my notes and transfer those I want to keep to my phone or computer. Entering everything at once is much faster than entering things throughout the day.

Finally, the Pocket Briefcase has a few different slots to store cards in, so I can store things like travel details, grocery lists, and driving directions. I was carrying a wallet anyway; this one is just so much more useful than any other.

-- Justin Russell

Bomber Jacket International Pocket Briefcase

Available from and manufactured by Levenger


How Number Psychology Impacts the Prices You'll Pay [Pricing]

The Five Traits That Get You Promoted to CEO [Career]

promotion management tips

Passionate curiosity: Relentless questioning and being infectiously fascinated with everything around you, human nature in particular

Battle-hardened confidence: Overcoming—and even relishing—adversity. CEOs most often ask job candidates how they've dealt with failure in the past.

Team smarts: More than just being a team player, understanding how teams work and getting the most out of the team (in sports terms, being a playmaker)

A simple mindset: Being concise, simple, and clear in your communications

Fearlessness: Comfort with the unknown and taking calculated, informed risks; also, seeing opportunities and being proactive about positive change

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