

Motivate learners to become more qualified for Business Presentations
by following the CTM standards from both Toastmasters International and the University of Calgary's Teaching & Learning Centre.
From Portny's Project Management, "Choose one or two skills you may want to begin using...Unfortunately, experience shows that making numerous changes in your work methods all at once only increases the chances that NONE of them will "stick." Use the new skill until it's second nature to you. Then choose one or two more new skills and repeat the process."
Begin each day with an impromptu "warm up" question, and have each learner to stand up and provide a 60 second verbal answer to the entire group.

IMPORTANT: Encourage learners to create highly interactive "experiential" business presentations, because when more people from the audience participate, there will be an 80% increase in the chances that they will...
  • recall your material
  • be convinced that your business proposal works
  • go ahead with accepting your business proposal

OBJECTIVE - Organize and plan a 2-5 minute business presentation about your strenghs as a business person. How would you "sell" your skills during an interview?
Work with an assigned group during class.

OBJECTIVE - Present your 2-5 minute business presentation to the other learners, and invite questions.
How can your presentation be improved?
Work with two assigned partners during class.
For next day: Find samples for a PREFERRED topic of your choice.

OBJECTIVE - Plan and present a 2-5 minute business presentation about your preferred topic. Integrate samples. Invite another learner to participate.
What needs to be added (e.g. variation in your voice, gestures, and moving around the room) to emphasize your points?
Work with one assigned partner during class.
For next day: Find samples and plan a 5-10 minute presentation for a DIFFERENT PREFERRED topic of your choice.
Start preparing a 10-15 minute presentation to demonstrate an ASSIGNED IDEA, PRODUCT OR SERVICE the last day.

OBJECTIVE - Present your 5-10 minute session with variation in your voice, gestures, and moving around the room, invite multiple learners to participate, and invite questions.
For next day: Find samples and plan a 10-15 minute presentation to demonstrate an ASSIGNED IDEA, PRODUCT OR SERVICE the next day.
Work on your own.

OBJECTIVE - Present and "sell" your 10-15 minute idea, product or service to the audience, including variation in your voice, gestures, moving around the room, invite multiple learners to participate, and invite questions.

Encouragement to keep using your skills in your business, school, and personal life!

thanks from ifranks

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